Wednesday, February 29, 2012

superstar lament

you seem so huge to me
walking along the orange grove trees
life like songs sung on ocean liners
and airplanes as they hit supersonic
a pampered soul to be sure
lonely, yet far from demure
no matter how larger than life
you still can't talk her down
from trains to barbed wire
stage lights mistaken for a crown
she might be high-fired china
wrapped in fine black blankets of night
mirrorlike snow drifts upon starlight
adrenaline fix when the race starts
enough to start another thousandhearts
you said, "Tiyuri to win, perfect dozen to place"
remembering the lines etched on her face
in movies we shy away from reality
I can't think of a place I'd rather be
other than green fields and castles
or front row to see
if it isn't you
we want more than this scenery
more than bravery
more than what you are willing
to sell for a magazine
even though she disappeared
life like words flood the sound
on the edge of the roadways
to see where you hang around
don't let anyone near
and know that when we fall asleep
you're still the last voice we hear

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